
Enterprise renames, expands into foreign markets

September 22, 2003
Enterprise renames, expands into foreign marketsA brandname is one of the main characteristics of an established enterprise. Brandname recognition is imperative for a business to succeed in today's market, for it helps the customer distinguish one enterprise from another by solely observing a company's name. However, as businesses are beginning to expand beyond their domestic borders they are encountering different problems with their brandnames. When entering countries where their brandname already exists, businesses are forced to change their previously established brandname in order to conduct business in the foreign country.

China's leading IT company, Legend Group, is experiencing brandname difficulties as it enters the international market. Legend Group is realizing that the "Legend" brandname is a common trademark in many foreign countries. As Legend Group contemplated changing its brandname so it could enter foreign markets, it weighed the cost of brandname recognition that it would lose in China.

On the morning of April 28, 2003, Legend unveiled to the world the new brandname,"Lenovo." The changing of its brandname from Legend to Lenovo marked a significant event in the history Legend Group. "Novo," of the LENOVO brandname, is derived from an ancient Latin root, meaning "innovation." It was then combined with the letters 'Le' pulled from the company's former name, Legend. The company believes that the establishment of this new trademark represents a defining moment in their development of their business for the international marketplace.

