
Yazhou Zhang Was Invited to Attend “Chinese In-house Counsels’ Conference” and Made Keynote Speech

July 22, 2012

The Second Chinese In-house Counsels’ Conference held jointly by Wolters Kluwer from Netherlands, Shanghai Association of Corporate Council and the Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, came to a satisfactory closure in Shanghai recently. Chief legal counsels from dozens of enterprises in top 500 companies home and abroad, like Eastern Airlines, SIIC, Sino French Water and BASF, and attorneys from famous law firms home and abroad got together and the nearly one hundred people developed extensive and profound discussion about the theme “the new positions and challenges to in-house counsels under the economic haze”. Attoreny Yazhou Zhang from Unitalen was invited to give a speech in the conference. His presentation on the nationally famous trademark infringement cases like “Lafite” (represented by him personally and chosen as “National Ten IP Cases of Year 2011” by the Supreme Court) and “JAC”, etc. raised universal resonance of attendees at the conference.

