
Unitalen Partner Baojun Wang Made Keynote Speech at the 8th China Patent Annual Conference

October 31, 2017

On September 5, 2017, the 8th China Patent Annual Conference was held at the Beijing National Convention Center, attracting more than 8,000 delegates from around the world. Judges from Beijing IP Court, IP officials from General Administration of Customs, and IP counsels of some Fortune 500 businesses led the discussions on “Overview of Major IP Cases accepted by Local IP Courts”, “How to Improve Efficiency in IP enforcement”, “Effective Utilization of Preliminary Injunction” and “Progress in IP Portfolio Management Reform”.


Unitalen Partner Baojun Wang, was invited to give a speech on “Study of Patent Infringement Based on the Tort Law”, introducing foreign practice and theoretical disputes, sharing thoughts about the possibility of tackling indirect patent infringement issue based on joint infringement, and analyzing elements of tort liability based on recent influential patent infringement cases.

