
Examination Cycle for International Trademark Shortened in China

August 30, 2018

In order to improve the examination efficiency of international trademarks designating China for territorial extension, SIPO has taken measures to shorten the examination circle from 12 months to 7 months for Madrid Agreement, and from 18 months to 10 months for Madrid Protocol. It is estimated that the 12-month examination cycle can be further shortened to 6 months by the end of July, and the 18-month examination cycle shortened to 6 months by the end of November this year.

The amount of international trademark registrations designating China has grown rapidly from 21,200 in 2016 to 26,100 in 2017, with an annual growth of 23%, ranking first among all Madrid members for 13 consecutive years. In addition to the concurrent reform and streamlining of domestic trademark application procedure, the Trademark Office attaches great importance to the equal protection of the rights and interests of foreign applicants, and accelerates the reform of the international registration procedures.

