
The Supreme People's Court of the PRC Released the Fourth Batch of Typical Cases of IPR Judicial Protection in the Seed Industry by People's Courts

April 24, 2024

The Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China (PRC) released the fourth batch of 15 typical cases of IPR judicial protection in the seed industry by People's Courts, which were selected from the cases concluded by the national courts in the past year, with the purpose to fully leverage the guiding role of typical cases, strengthen IPR protection in the seed industry, promote innovation and high-quality development of the seed industry through high-level judicature, and provide more powerful judicial services and guarantees to accelerate revitalization of the seed industry and maintain China's food security.

Attachment: The Supreme People's Court of the PRC Released the Fourth Batch of Typical Cases of IPR Judicial Protection in the Seed Industry by People's Courts (with the judgment documents attached)

(Source: The General Office of the Supreme People's Court of the PRC)

