
Unitalen Was Invited to the Fifth China-Finland Committee for Innovative Business Cooperation Meeting and Executed Cooperation Agreement

December 2, 2024

On October 29, 2024, the Fifth China-Finland Committee for Innovative Business Cooperation Meeting, hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of the Republic of Finland, was grandly held in the Great Hall of the People. Vice President of PRC, HAN Zheng, and Finnish President Alexander Stubb attended the meeting.

Unitalen Attorneys At Law, as a renowned intellectual property service agency in China and Finland, and Finnish Kolster Oy Ab Law Firm participated in the agreement execution event as the sole pair of intellectual property service agencies invited to the meeting. Senior Partner of Unitalen, Attorney PAN Wei, and CEO of Kolster Law Firm, Mr. Timo HELOSUO, attended the event and officially executed a bilateral cooperation agreement.

